Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hello to Surprise

I couldn't write an entry yesterday because I literally died. I've never been as sick as i was for the last couple days. It was miserable. I had loads of work, got barely 2 hours of sleep everyday so far, and i was getting sicker by the moment. Life was just great. HA, not. While I was sick, I fell into a mild state of depression. I cried everyday for no reason. What the hells wrong with me. I'm getting better but I still feel depression symptoms from time to time. My mom fed my literally almost every hour to make me better. Eat, sleep, medicine, eat, sleep, medicine. Definition of a lazy fatass. It's weird though... I managed to drop some pounds. Weird, eh? I just weighed myself and it said 103.5 I don't believe it but I'll take it. I just ate so I'm expecting the numbers to go up slightly. Popped a lax so I hope that'll help. Today was not so bad. I'm not dying anymore! The only thing that kept me alive this whole week was the thought of Friday. I'll tell you guys why later but I'm totally stoked. I know I promised to post up measurements and weights in my last entry, but I'll do that when I'm not so busy. I also should post up some thinspo. I'm sorry im so lazy and fat. I might not be writing in here for awhile. At least not until I reach my current goal weight of 100 lbs. I hope I can do that by Sunday, but I dont know. After I reach 100, I'm setting my next goal as 97 and then probably will be doing my ABC ... FINALLY. I still have a shitload of work to do so I can't write more... need a cigarette to relieve myself. Anyways, I'll see you when I'm finally 100 lbs!


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