Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hello to Kids & Food

Fuck. That's one good word to describe how today went. Last night, my dad brought me sushi rolls and he didn't leave until I finished every bit of it. Felt like shit the whole night and resisted purging. Surprisingly, I weighed myself in the morning and I was the same weight as yesterday. I thought I was going to have a successful day, but NO. Boyfriend kept forcing me to share his burger with him. I got away with three bites. But that's still gross. I've been craving sweets lately, maybe my time of the month is about to hit. I munched on candy all day with a diet soda. That didn't do my tummy any good, but I wasn't feeling too guilty. BUT, this is where it all falls apart. I volunteered to help out at a program where they babysit little kids. (I know, I'm very kind-hearted. HAHA, just kidding.) Anyways, they kept offering me dinner but I told them I already ate. They wouldn't listen and heaped up a whole plateful of alfredo pasta with bacon bits for me. It smelled disgusting. It looked disgusting. It is disgusting. But I ate it. And I ate it all. Why? I wish I knew. That's not all, they also offered me popcorn, chocolate, chips, blah blah. Yes, I ate all that too. I'm feeling super shitty and I've been chain smoking for quite awhile now. I'm a bit stressed and me losing control isn't helping at all. I need to get back up and start again tomorrow. I must admit that I'm excited for a new beginning after tonight, but I can't get over how fat I look right now. I'm bloated all over. I hate binging but why do i do it? Damn, I've been ranting this whole time. I'm sorry to burden you with all this, but my blog is the only place I can let it all out. I promise I'll have more positive posts, but for now, this is how I feel.

Love, Ana


  1. You haven't burdened me. :) Sorry about your day though. Tomorrow is a new start! Well, at midnight it is. haha. :)

    Thanks for your seriously awesome comment on my blog! Means so much! I will never give up! And I won't ever leave Ana! thanks for your support. :D

  2. Hi sweet heart!!!
    Thanks so much for the comment. This is a rough life we live, just don't let your self get too overwhelmed by what happens every day. Now you know that next time you volunteer, you should bring some fruit and eat as snack so they see you eating and then they won't insist. (that works for me almost everywhere)
    Also, thanks again for the comment!!! I've been reading your blog lately and I really like it. BTW, days like these are always a good time to stop and reset your routine, try something new, like a different flavor of tea with some cigarettes, Love it!
    Take care girl! hugs*
