Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hello to a Bad Day

Right when I feel like I got myself back, I fail. Why does this always happen? Seriously.. ;alkdjf;laksdjf my stomach is in pain, I don't think it's taking in the food very well. Today was just super stressful and i couldn't stop debating whether I should accept the food people offered. I felt like the world was out to get me. Why does everyone try to make me FAT?! it's so frustrating when my day is going great and someone pops out of nowhere with food and keeps encouraging me to eat. I did well avoiding food until past 6 pm. That's when I just crashed and ate. Pasta salad, chips, mcdonalds (YUUUUUUUUUUUCK), sushi rolls. I'm dyyyyying right now. It feels like war in my tummy. fuck. I need a smoke but it's way too cold to go outside. Coffee is making it worse.. making me feel more full. The amount of work i have to do is adding onto my frustration. Today's not my day. All the hard work... GONE. I probably gained the weight i lost back. I didn't weigh myself yet cause I'm honestly scared to see the numbers. Tonight's gonna be a long night. Got a shitload of artwork and sketches to do. This just means that I'll be tired and cranky tomorrow, which means that i'm probably gonna eat more. I need to be extra careful tomorrow. I'm gonna be thin and beautiful no matter what. I need to see those bones that once were visible. It seems like it's been too long since i've seen that. I need to and want to be thin more than anything else. I'll reach my goal of a two-digit weight soon. Don't know how or when but I'm gonna make it happen. I just hope I don't lose my willpower til then...


1 comment:

  1. Love,Ana keep your efforts high and you'll be rewarded with what you most desire. Ask Ana for strength when you feel weak, and keep picturing yourself with beautiful bones. Again, finding your true-will power takes time, but with constant effort, you'll reach a place where food doesn't tempt you. Find a way to channel your stress into not eating. I know that's easier said than done; but when you do find a way, your weight will just fall off. Try drinking tea when you feel stressed, and keep at it. It'll eventually become a habit, and you'll turn to tea (instead of food for comfort). Good luck. I'm still rooting for you.
    Love you lots, and take care of yourself.
    Ana will guide you to the right path. Keep your motivations high, and I"ll help you along the way. :D
