Monday, March 29, 2010

Hello to Yay! then Nay...

The title pretty much says it all.. Okay so after my last post I went down to 97.5 which is the lowest I've been since foreveeeerrrr. I literally danced around my house in my fucking underwear, even though I still felt myself flabby everywhere. Well, yesterday I ruined everything.. my boyfriend sneaked into my phone AGAIN and red my last post. Yay.. So I've been stuck with him the whole day yesterday and probably will be today too. That only means that he'll be controlling when I eat and what I eat. I know he only does this cause he's worried, but it really irritates me. Its not like I'm going to kill myself .. I'm a full grown adult that needs some space. So after today I'm planning on spending more tim with my friends, family, and my dog. I've been too caught up in this relationship that I forgot how to live my own life. I'm hoping this will also help be stay on track with ana. I've been doing so great, but totally ruined it in one day. I weighed myself this morning and I was 100 lbs. its not bad, but very disappointing after seeing 97.5 just a few days ago...

Ill try and update again. I'm on my phone right now and gotta get back to work. Stay strong, lovelies!


P.S. Thanks to everyone who's always encouraging me! I love you all! *muah*

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