Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hello to Earthquaaaaaaaake

Some thinspo for you skinny people!

So, an earthquake hit cali today and i didn't feel shit. Everyone was freaking out, except me. Today was a reeeelaxing day anddddd I'm feeling way thin :) Last night I weighed 98 lbs. Today, after eating a tiny portion of McDonald's breakfast deluxe platter, starbucks, few bites of corn bread, pack of skittles, yogurt with granola, a banana, some french fries, starbucks again, and a piece of lemon loaf.. I weighed in at 98.5 lbs ! Isn't that insane? But, I still have to eat dinner with my family. I haven't seen them for days, so I can't make up an excuse not to show up... I'm fucked. I already binged today and I'm lucky that I only gained 0.5 lb... I can't eat or I'll probably shoot back up to 102 lbs.. that A L W A Y S happens and it's starting to really piss me off. I'm sick of staying at the same weight. There needs to be some change and it's going to happen NOW. So at dinner, I'm eating something very low fat :) Also, I haven't been purging. Feels good to stop that habit. Smoking and coffee is already ruining my teeth.. I don't need more damage HA HA.

P.S. I might upload some pictures of myself. I feel like it will encourage me to try harder. I've been lacking motivation lately so hopefully this will help :) Kinda scared but I'll probably just do it

Stay strong!<3


  1. yay do it! that is prime thinspo. i can't even imagine weighing 98.5 lbs. glad you survived the uber terrifying earthquake :] xx

  2. your blog is amazing, truly thinspirational <3 xxxx

  3. 102 is pretty good medium if you're 5'2"
