Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hello to Soberness

Woke up a little too early today.. i can't ever get a good amount of sleep. Anyways, I woke up this morning and thought to myself that I was gonna stay sober today. Woooot! Totally proud of myself that I finally decided to do something good for my body, for once.. I think it's been about two weeks since the last time I wasn't drugged out. I wasn't going to write that here cause it just shows how pathetic and weak I am, but I just felt like it when I woke up this morning. Every time I post something, I feel better about it. I hope I actually follow through with my plan.. but that means I'm going to be hungryyyy! I hate hate hate hate hunger. But I need to quit cause I'm only cheating myself into being thin. I'm using other substances to stop myself from eating, instead of me controlling myself to starve. Why am I so lame?

The past two weeks, my intake consisted of cookies, chips, water, and cigarettes. Nothing else. Today, I plan on eating some healthy greens. It's so hard to stay away from my junkie food ): but I deserve this punishment.. hahaha.

StayStrong & Sober (HAHA)


  1. never worry about what you're posting - just keep posting :) it's great to read.
    i need my cigarettes to keep me going and stop me eating. i was trying to get hold of some ritalin to help me shift the weight and keep the energy.
    great thinspo btw.
    thank you for your comment - it's the support i get on here that keeps me stong :)
    stay strong. think thin. xoxxxxxxx

  2. you're not lame! you're at an amazing weight! inspiration, much? :)
    love your pics. hope you don't mind if i follow
