Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hello to Lax Healing

Got drunk up my ass last night. Came home and binged. Popped a lax. Woke up weighing at 98.5 lbs. For breakfast I consumed about 1000 calories, no doubt. Now i probably weigh...i don't even wanna know. Why do i do this? That binge last night was more than enough to last me through today with no food, but I stuffed 1000 nasty calories into me. Ew. Im planning on not eating anything else today. It's only 1:00pm so... it's going to be hard, i know it. I'm sure my friends are going to drag me to go drinking with them... AGAIN. I think I've been drinking for about 5 consecutive days. Whatever, I'll starve the rest of today and have a few drinks tonight. I hope I don't fuck this up.

So, losing weight isn't really working out right now. So aren't my guy problems. I'm so done with boys and serious relationships, but guy #1 seems to want something much more serious now. I was only looking for something light and fun. Now what? I still want to be able to go around and flirt with other people. I've been stuck in a committed relationship for so long that I've been missing out on so much fun. I don't wanna put myself in that kind of situation again. I recently met this one guy at the bar, and I think he's SUPER cute. He's super tall, he has a charming smile, and his facial structures are SHARP. his face looks like carved stone. Reminds me of edward cullen, kinda. HAHAHA lame. Anyways, I'm probably going to end up seeing him tonight again. We'll see how things go


1 comment:

  1. You'll sort the intake out somehow.
    98.5! That is incredible. I'm sure you can get even lower though :)
    Just stay strong, skinny!

    And I found the Edward Cullen comment amusing. I absolutely love the "chiseled" look! Maybe you shouldn't tell him that he reminds you of a sexy fictional vampire though? Have fun :)
