Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hello to MORE UPDATING with a side order of more drama

Hello blog! I just got my laptop back so I'll be posting a lot more frequently than usual :) I'm glad, cause that ought to help me stay on track. I've been slipping a lot lately. My weight won't stay stable, and it's really starting to piss me off! I need to start losing weight FAST cause summer it's already summer and I'm not ready for the beach.

Today was a good, relaxing day. Went shopping with a few friends and just spent some good quality time together. HOWEVER, there's always a downside to hanging out with friends.. food. I had to force myself to eat. I almost barfed while eating dinner. Food just wouldn't digest correctly. Anyways, yeah... so my day was relaxing and everything was going great until something bad bad bad bad bad bad happened. I don't feel like saying it here right now. I'm still freaking out about it. I've been smoking cigarettes after cigarettes to help myself calm down a bit but apparently it's not working cause I'm down to my last few. I pretty much almost killed one pack. Wow, I feel bad for my throat. It's gonna hurt like a bitch tomorrow morning. Whatever, shit happens but life goes on, right?


P.S. I don't have any thinspirational pictures on my laptop yet so when I do get my pictures from the computer transferred over, I'll have a great thinspo ready for you!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for getting your laptop back!!

    and feel better... I'm sorry sometime has happened that upset you. :-( Just be the strong girl we all know you are and keep on truckin' :-)
