Monday, June 7, 2010

Hello to Depression

Breakfast- fried rice
Snack- few bites of a sandwich
Lunch- few bites of a burrito & nachos w/ cheese
Dinner- Chicken over rice with veggies
YEAH, i know this is gross.

I binged last night & I'm depressed. I need some type of medication for this. I also need some adderall... I can't stay focused for over 30 seconds, literally. I have too many problems. And to top it all off, my weight is bouncing around everywhere! It won't stay put. I was 98.5 pounds two days ago, and now I'm 102.5 pounds. Is that even possible?! Why the hell can't I stop stuffing junk into my fatass tummy?! Everything's been pissing me off. So basically, the thing with guy #3 isn't going to work out cause I turned him down. Although i took some advice from the comments on my previous post and went to dinner with him, I just didn't feel any connection. I'll admit, he's a real gentleman, but nothing about him attracts me. Guy #2 and I get along better though. He's a sweet guy. Kinda timid, but sweet. Guy #1 is almost everything that I've ever wanted in a guy. It's almost as if we're official right now. I'm just going along with everything, hoping for things to just fall into place. For now, I'm just gonna sip my coffee with some cigarettes and write my paper.

Stay strong lovelies!


  1. I'm sorry about the dinner dude I feel bad lol. At leat you've given him a chance. GuyN1 was the one you made with right? Say why you like him cos you haven't talked about him.
    And you're probably depressed because you're not eating properly and you're not starving. A happy place is either one or the other. I'm not eating atm and happy.
    And you only binged at lunch really...

    G'luck =) x

  2. I'm sorry about the dinner guy and the binging. It's going to all be okay :-) Good luck with Guy #3!! I definitely understand guy issues right now...
