Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello to "You Got Skinnier"

HELL YEAH. the title says it all. I met up with Guy #1 last night, and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is, "Did you lose weight or something, cause you look skinnier. (hugs me) Oh my fuck, I can almost crush you!" mmhmm, those were his exact words. After he blurted that, I couldn't help but pounce on him. Obviously, he was confused as to why I was so fucking happy, but he didn't mind. In fact, i'm pretty sure he enjoyed it all. That one compliment won him a wonderful playtime in bed (; HAHA anyways, i doubt anything will happen between guy #2 and me. He can't quit drugs and his substance abuse will only negatively affect me. I mean, i'm still struggling to stay away from drugs, if i decide to begin things with him, i'll only end up doing it again.. only this time, with him. Guy #2 is HOT, i'll admit. He has that tough, bad boy feel to him, and i usually find that attractive. He's actually a little too badass for me, which makes me feel in danger and in love. I like that. BUT, Guy #1 has all these traits that I know will never put me through another heartbreak. Actually, he's quite a flirt so I'm not sure about that, but at least I know he won't let me fall into druggie practices again. And, he's kinda cute. He's not too bad in bed either. Sad to say this, but my ex was wayyy better, but I don't really mind. Anywho, i think i'm getting a little too carried away with this boy talk. Time for update on my weightloss?

The past few days, i've been sick as a dog so my intakes been low. I weighed in this morning at 99 pounds and that was after i had breakfast. I'm hoping I'll be able to keep my intake low today as well. I'm feeling much better now, but I don't want that to ruin my success! So far, I've had two glasses of orange juice, two eggs, and a bag of chips (honestly don't know why i ate this). I've got a busy day ahead! Time to relax at a nearby cafe with my coffee and endless cigarettes! Hopefully, all this work load will help keep my mind off eating!
Stay Strong<3

P.S. I've been doing great with staying drug-free! Congrats to me!

1 comment:

  1. Why is it that all of us have guy issues right now? Is it love season or something?
    Hope everything turns out well with whoever you choose. By the sounds of things, guy #1 would be better for you, but I have a bit of a thing for the badboy, too, so I know how you feel! In all fairness, #1 may not be as good, but you can always train him up ;)
    Sounds like you're doing so well! Keep at it, doll. And well done for staying drug-free! :) x
