Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hello to Breaktime

Hello blog! Sorry for the long break. I've been going through wayyy too much and definitely couldn't find the energy to blog about it. I don't want to burden anyone with a whole essay of me ranting about my pathetic life so I'll keep it sweet and simple :) So, to make the long story short, my parents and a few others definitely know about me and are doing whatever it takes to stop it. It's either I fatten up or they somehow get me into some fatass program. Whatever they do, I'm not going there. I did, however, eat when they offered to prove them wrong, and it seems to be working, but not good enough to change their minds. I feel ugly and worthless right now. I was able to get down to 99 pounds, but because of all the food they've been shoving down my mouth, I went back up to 103... I'm probably even higher than that right now. I haven't weighed myself yet cause I knew if I saw the numbers, I'd freak out and just binge. I have no cigarettes right now, but I fucking need one. Fuck me. At least I'm finally alone.

Starting tomorrow is a new beginning, HA. How many times have I said this to myself? No, but I'm being serious. I'm sure my parents won't be visiting me for a few days so that will give me time to get back on track. I'm hoping my boyfriend won't force-feed me in those few days. I'll come up with some excuse. Well, byebye blog! It's time for me to go get some cigarettes. I'm dying here hahahaha


1 comment:

  1. Ah sorry about that! Really sorry! My parents and siblings don't suspect anything. They know i'm fucked up in the head, but they don't suspect me having an eating disorder. So..yeah, im really sorry hun!
