Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hello to Busy Busy Busy

Why am i so busy all the time?! I've been stressing so much that I couldn't stop feeding my fatass ... At least I've been trying to eat healthier foods, but it's no help if i'm going to fucking binge without purging. I will have to update later cause I'm on a rush right now. Gotta go get some shit done.

Today's intake so far:
breakfast- few spoons of rice with 7 pieces of fried shrimp (ew, i know)
snack- cereal bar (130 cal) with green tea (0 cal)
lunch- salad with 2tsp of onion vinegarette (100 cal), strawberry banana smoothie (150 cal)
snack- mighty mango juice (180 cal)
dinner- (hopefully nothing, we'll see)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hello to Day 1

Goodmorning blog. I'm cracked out, i'm feeling like shit, and I'm ready to be thin. I finally decided to start restricting myself and exercising again. The past few weeks have been HORRIBLE. My eating habits went out of control, and my life's been tangling up into this crazy mess. i fucking hate drama. Basically, I've been eating my emotions. If I posted my daily intake, it'll make you want to purge. Yeah, it's thaaaat bad. but I'm sick of feeling like shit everyday, so now I'm back on track! I'll be posting up my intake and status :)

I suck with following through with my plans, but I'm hoping that I don't give up on this one. I don't want to be the one who stares in jealousy of skinny girls. I want to be that skinny girl again. I'm going to make this happen, I have to.

Stay strong<3

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hello to School

Right now, I'm on my phone in class. I just couldn't wait to post so here I am! Haha, well I've been off track for quite awhile. You can probably tell by how I rarely update now. That's about to change, cause I'm more than determined to lose weight before this big event that's coming up in about a month. I HAVE to look gorgeous, I can be wearing the most expensive dress with the prettiest hair and makeup, but all of that wouldn't matter if I looked FAT. So, I'm going to restrict and exercise. Today, I'm going out to a bar with some friends so I'll be consuming a shitload of calories. Not excited for that at all, but after today I'm going to push myself. No questions asked. Wish me luck!

Stay strong<3

Hello to Fast Forward

This guy that I've been getting with a few times seriously wants to jump into a long term relationship. (I'll name him as G) I JUST ended a long relationship with another guy. How do you expect me to bounce right into another one? I'm exhausted from my previous boyfriend. TOday, my intake is way high. This is mainly because I was with my friends the whole day, and at night I met with G for dinner. I told him that I ate already but he wouldn't listen... just like any other guy would. He surprised me by taking me to his house where his parents were waiting to meet me. Surprise, much? It was very unexpected, but it wasn't too bad. I was planning on posting my intake for today but I erased it right after I typed it all out. Way too embarassing to have it potsed. I need to start eating right and exercising! Everyone around me started to exercise again, and I'm the only one being a fatass... what's up with that?!

Stay strong<3

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hello to Back on Track and Hooking Up?

After a week of bingeing, I started my period. It was a relief cause I was starting to get scared at how abnormally I've been eating. Today was a good day, I barely had any time to eat so I'm feeling pretty thin :) Intake consisted of oranges, lean cuisine, some sour gummies, nonfat latte, and a handful of cheese crackers. Okay, it's not all that great but it's pretty damn good compared to this past week. Anyways, I've got juicy news. Me and the other guy I've mentioned before went for it in his car. He just dropped me off right now and here I am writing about it. It was very wrong, but exciting. I haven't felt so wreckless and alive for a looong time. I actually really liked it. I'm a bit busy lately so my posts have been short and vague, but once I finish with the busy stuff, I'll update more on my stats and intake, along with thinspoooooo!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Hello to Being Single

I'm single and I'm happy. I'm partying, eating, and flirting. Life would be perfect if the "eating" part didn't exist. I'm still trying to lose the five pounds that I've gained but it's hard. I hate how my face is bloated, I hate how my tummy is bulging out, I hate how flabby my legs are, I hate how my clothes don't look good on me anymore, and I hate how I don't feel pretty. I'm debating whether I should drop this week to help lose weight, even though I know it's not permanent weight loss. I still think it's worth it. It always helps jump start my plan. I don't know... I've gone too long without mdma... I'll see about that tomorrow.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hello to Too Much Alcohol

Steak, brownie, vanilla icecream, fudge and caramel, bags of chips, chocolate, gummy bears, cigarettes, fried chicken, fast food, midnight snacks, and alcohol. This sums of my week. I've gained 5 pounds. If I don't lose this I might shoot myself.