Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hello to Day 1

Day 1 of ABC. Didn't go as well as I planned. It's so hard to stay on a strict diet when you have a boyfriend that keeps telling you to eat. My day was going absolutely great until he ordered dinner for me. Now I'm just a depressed, fatass bitch. Honestly, I need to get in control again. I keep letting myself go.. telling myself that tomorrow's a new day. But in reality, that's not true. Tomorrow is going to be different, depending on how I make my Today. I feel like i lost another battle. I don't even want to hop on the treadmill anymore. I might just let myself go.. actually no, I'm not going to let that happen. I'm still going to continue with ABC.. I just don't know how successful I'm going to be but it's worth the try. I didn't weigh myself yet cause I got too scared. I felt that if i saw the numbers, I'd freak even more. So, tonight I'm just going to try and relax, maybe catch up on some reading.. have a smoke or two and force myself to bed. It'll be okay...


  1. I know how you feel, I've had a bad day too and I'm too depressed to blog about it. Plus, I was feverish and sweating all day long so my brain is all poop at the moment. Let's try really hard tomorrow together. Kay? I know we can both do it.
    since I don't have a scale at the moment, I can't really weight myself everyday. (Trust me, I wish I could) Seeing a high weight on the scale usually motivates me into fasting all day, maybe you should try it even though you don't want to.It's a powerful motivator.
    Good luck babe. :D

  2. You don't know how good it feels to have someone who understands ahahah thanks ! seriously :) yeahhh i just came back from binge eating.. AGAIN.. so i'm killing myself tomorrow. Lets do well from now on :) hahahah the scale just scares me right now.. i haven't stepped on it this whole day, im really too scared but i'll see the numbers in the morning .. :/ i hope we both have good things to blog about tomorrow! Good luck and stay strong<3
