Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hello to A New Beginning

Hello, blog.
The big D-day is drawing near! In a short while, I will be moving to the Big City! I'm super excited to start a new life. I guess it's kind of bittersweet; I'm really going to miss home, but we all need to move forward if we want to get somewhere, right? I know I've been m.i.a. for quite while now... nothing new... hahaha but once i get settled after my big move, I promise to update frequently. I've been doing better with my intake these past few days. I'm proud to announce that I've finally stopped my late night binges! FUCKING FINALLY, RIGHT?! I need to shed all this weight off as soon as possible! I want to walk on the streets of my new world, skinny as fuck. I have a feeling it's going to be a lot easier to reach my goal weight once I move. I won't have to worry as much about being watched! YESSSSS, some privacy is exactly what I needed. I can't shut up about how excited I am! 85 pounds, here I come! Get ready for another skinny bitch to fucking rock the streets! Sorry guys, but I gotta end this post early 'cause I've been craving nicotine for hours now. buhbye!

Stay Strong & Starve On... like always<3

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hello to "Cute" Chubby Cheeks

Oh goddddddddd. this medicine is totally destroying me, and it's literally unstoppable. i kid you not. i've been consuming all kinds of food all day and night. and when i say "all day and night", i LITERALLY mean it. Last night i came home around 2 in the morning and stayed up til 5 am. Why was i up so late? CAUSE I WAS TOO FUCKING BUSY DIGGING IN THE FRIDGE FOR FOOD. and yes, i did end up bingeing. i ate two and a half slices of pizza, chocolate ice cream, and a two bags of potato chips. what a beastly appetite... i'm soooooo attractive.... not. oh and to explain the title of this post........ that's what the guy i'm dating said to me when i told him how much i've been eating.

you know what, i'm desperate to lose weight. if i gotta do it the unhealthy way, ill do it. starving, drugs, whatever.. i did it before, and i can do it again. ill be back 10-15 pounds lighter. watch me.
i LOVE her! i LOVE her body! i can't believe i actually used to look like that.... i never realized til i started gaining all this weight. i can do this. i have to do this. i can't even fit into my jeans anymore...........
